Odin Downloader is a program runs on a Windows computers that can load and flash firmware image files (ROMs) onto Samsung smartphones using USB.
Some Usage of Odin Downloader
When Samsung phone is bricked or stuck on boot , you can use Odin Downloader to flash stock firmware or custom firmware and also you can use it to flash custom recoveries such as CWM/TWRP. You can gain root access by flashing root packages.
Features of Odin Downloader
Flash Stock Firmware
Odin Downloader allows you to flash stock firmware on your Samsung Smartphone and Tablets.
It can be handy to restore the device in its working condition; if it is facing a boot loop issue, application crash issue, or any software related issue.
Flash Custom Firmware
Odin allows you to flash custom firmware (user modified firmware) on the Samsung Smartphone and Tablets.
Flash Recovery File
Besides flashing the complete stock firmware or custom firmware, Odin also allows you to flash the Stock or Custom Recovery on your Samsung Smartphone and Tablets.
Flash Kernels
Odin allows you to flash stock or custom Kernels on your Samsung Smartphone and Tablets to tweak the performance of the device.
Flash Root Package
Odin allows you to flash custom root packages on your Samsung Smartphone and Tablets to achieve Root Access on the Samsung Device.
Please note this:Be careful when you are using this tool, odin downloader may break your device if not used with caution, wrong command may result in your firmware damage and your device may not work properly