Officially Samsung S GT-7582 comes working on stock rom jellybean 4.2.2 and for those who love DUOS 2 and have this device, which Everyone knows that it's very nice device, light weight, very good for hard work, very good signal and internet speed, hopefully there's a New Custom room (not official) and it's great and stable room.
After you flash it you'll experience a lot of differences between your device before flashing this Room and what it'll be after that.
A New Features you'll enjoy:
Fully Improved User Interface Like New Android Version Lollipop 5.0.
Fully Deodexed Rom and bloatware removed for better performance.
Samsung Lollipop Boot Animation.
Lollipop Framework Animation.
Viper4 android Included for batter Sound Quality.
Power Widget enabled for Quick access.
Good Looking Wallpapers.
Power Saving Mode Enabled.
Added Flashlight Toggle on Status bar.
Android version Lollipop view.
Power option Enabled in settings.
All System Apps Are well themed. Added Multi Window.
Rooted With Updated SuperSu.
Xposed Module added for Playing Big Size Games.
Fx material Designed File xplorer with Full version and can be used as a root xplorer.
All Apps are updated With Updated Firmware.
Battary Charging Animation. Lolipop Fonts Added.

Files You Need to Download:
To Flash lollipop extreme build v2 5.0.2 on your Device Samsung S GT-7582 DUOS 2
you need to Download this zip file(s); You must have TWRP Recovery installed on your device you can see How to flash TWRP Custom Recovery into Samsung S GT-7582.
Download lollipop.exterme build.v2.zip, links are below. Pre-activated is an optional step and also optional file but has awesome features, also link for this file included in this post below.
How to Flash Lolipop Room into Your Device:
locate Lolipop.Extreme v2.Zip file (don't extract the the zipped file)
on Your SD card then Switch your smartphone Samsung S Duos2 GT-7582 into TWRP Recovery mode to do that follow this:
press and hold >> Power button + volume up button + Home button
Press Those three buttons and hold them simultaneously at the same time about 5 seconds till you get a red exclamation mark at the top left of your device's screen then release buttons, you'll be at recovery mode.
When you're on TWRP Recovery Press install
and select lollipop extreme build v2 and slide to install zip.
When installing finished, reboot system, wait about ten/fifteen minutes ( this just for the first time).
Setting >>> More >>> Xposed
And install the framework then enable xposed modules again reboot into TWRP recovery to Install pre-activated.zip, which is optional to do that follow the same way as you did to install the custom room and in case you don't want to install this file, reboot your device to let the xposed installer and xposed modules be activated.

Now enjoy lollipop 5.0 on your Samsung S DUOS2. Don't forget to leave a comment for your feedback.
Download required files for Updating to lollipop 5.0
lollipop exterme build v2 zip Pre-activated - optional file: Download Preactivated.zip