Telegram is the most used application for social communication and it is not just an app like whatsapp but it has a lot of awesome features anyone would like have on any social media application. This application comes with a feature that whatsapp lack which is you can use it on different device with your same number at same time simultaneously and this which is not found on whatsapp app.
Using Telegram application with just one phone number nowadays is out of date fashion and If you are using telegram on your smartphone with just one single phone number now you can use it with four different phone numbers on your single mobile phone at the same time in order to keep all your telegram accounts on one place and beside this you can Hide Chat On Telegram And Save Files With Their Original Names without needing third party apps.
Why using Telegram with more than one phone number
You can use Telegram with your phone number on different devices at same time as I stated earlier but what if you can you use it on your device with more than one number on your single device at the same time!, I think it will be great if you have different phone numbers as if you want to use your work phone number or for making different telegram user name for example fir your work and so on.

How to use telegram with different numbers at the same time
There are three more telegram applications that can be use beside the official one and you can use all of them on your single device each one with different number. You can use Mobogram application for this purpose which comes with many different features that can't be found on the official telegram app and also comes in three separate apps with different signatures that can be installed on one single device.
Download Official Telegram latest version if you don't want more accounts and here are the
set of mobogram messenger:
First app Mobogram One also uploaded on telegram
Second one is Mobogram Two
And the third one is Mobogram Three..
Download and install them on your smartphone and start to use all your phone numbers on your single device.