Samsung Grand Neo GT-I9060 Running on JellyBean 4.2.2 device originally comes without root access feature which almost very useful for installing Android applications that require Root access such as xposed modules application.
With root access you can get complete control over your device for example you can uninstall pre-installed applications that usually you don't use them and free-up more storage space beside that you can do much more customization on your Grand Neo.
TWRP Recovery for Samsung Grand Neo GT-I9060
TWRP Recovery will substitute or override your manufactured recovery or the stock recovery that comes with the device when flashing this TWRP Recovery you will get more features that is locked or not provided on the official builtin recovery.
When you overwrite stock recovery on Samsung Android Grand Neo as we have seen in that when we flash TWRP custom recovery on Samsung (GT-S7582 ) you will get alot of useful features, you can flash or install supperSU to get root access on this Device.
You can flash any thing that can be flashed via TWRP recovery.
you can update your device to any compatible Custom Rom as if you want to update your device to Kit Kat, Lollipop 5.0 or higher version.
You can make full Backup for system and Data.
Also you can restore data and system files all of them or just one backup.
Requirements for Achievement
- A Computer and your Samsung Grand Neo GT-I9060 (no else).
- Download latest Odin3 Downloader v3.11.1 - any version can be used
- Download Latest TWRP recovery.tar.md5
- USB cable to connect your smartphone Latest Samsung USB Drivers.
Download Required file sand then follow this:
extract USB drivers and install it on your PC then Reboot.. Go ahead to Odin3_v3.11.1.zip file where you have downloaded then extract this file after that run this Odin3_v3.11.1.
Make sure your device battery charged at least over 60%. enable Usb Debugging by going to your device setting then Developer Options, then tick Usb Debugging.
Reboot into Download mode using Volume Down + Home + Power simultaneously and leave keys only when you feel vibration and then press Volume up to continue. then connect your Device to your PC via USB cable.
On Odin3_v3.11.1 check only AP Button and then find where recovery.tar.md5 TWRP located and press on this file to be loaded on Odin3_v3.11.1 then press Start recovery.tar.md5 will be installed.

How to get root access on your Samsung Grand Neo GT-I9060
After you have installed recovery.tar.md5 on your Device no you can get root access by flashing SuperSU-v2.79.zip using TWRP recovery.
Download SuperSU-v2.79.zip and remember not to unzip this file.
Reboot Into TWRP Recovery With Volume Up + Home + Power button chose Install Zip and then select storage where you have downloaded SuperSU-v2.79.zip, on external SDcard or on internal storage then install the zip file after that reboot your device
now you have root access on your Samsung Grand Neo GT-I9060 and you can see there's SuperSU application installed on it.

Final word, just make sure your device is not other thane this mentioned on this post, because you may get your device not working again.
Here are the required files to install TWRP on your smartphone Device Samsung GT-I9060:
- TWRP recovery.tar.md5
- SuperSU-v2.79.zip.
- Odin3_v3.11.1 Downloader.
- Samsung USB Drivers.