No doubt that Telegram now is going rabidly to be the leading messaging application among all social media messengers with much features that can, sometimes, be exclusively on this application before releasing on its rivals such as Whatsapp plus, Facebook and other messengers.
You can create your own group and invite your close friends and also create channels for whatever purposes, just posting your daily notes or for business promoting for your products.
On your groups and channels you can manage them easily from adding friends as admins, if you have a business channels or you can create telegram bots to manage your channels and groups through these Bots.

How to edit channel or group post after posting
In some cases you may mistype your message and push sending it into Telegram channel and after a second you find that this message it shouldn't be sent like this and you want to edit it, actually you can do this on the latest released versions of Telegram apps for Smartphones as well as on desktops but unfortunately this feature is only available for two days after you sent your message so you can edit it within this period only. Hopefully, now you can edit your messages even if you exceeded this period of time limitation even a week or more.

To achieve this feature you need to create a Telegram bot that can do this for you.
ControllerBot is of the most used bot for managing telegram channels and groups with much awesome features that every channel owner would like to have for managing his channel (this is not an affiliate or promotion post for this bot, just sharing).
You can post messages on your channels and groups in markdown/html language, add buttons, add media-musics-images and edit your old messages as well.
To to be able to edit your old messages you need create a telegram bot and you can do that through @BotFather and if you don't know how create a bot you can follow this:
- On your telegram account search type @BotFather
- start this Bot then chose from the list newbot.
- Chose a name for your bot.
- Then in the next step create a username
After that you will get a HTTP API tocken like this:
893114550:AAHLihTWcgRD0aZP1p83UMY1FoxfaP3PrSs copy and paste this token to @ControllerBot and remember to add yor new created bot to your telegram channel as an admin and forward a massage from your channel to @ControllerBotor just send its ID or username and you done.
- Do not use with already used telegram bots as: Chatfuel, Manybot or other
- To edit telegram message just from menu press on edit post button and forward your desired message and also remember not forward message without quote as some users do because this bot will not edit it..
- Messages that are not created or sent from @ControllerBotor also you may not be able to edit them..
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